seeing red spots when waking up

seeing red spots when waking up

For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Do you have an email so I can send a picture of what I had? Grid mark pattern on my butt. I took several pictures and we started looking for something in our bed that he might have slept over and got him marked but with no sucks we didn't find anything in our room with this perfect pattern. It looks more like straight lines than dots. ground. Home of the red grid mark phenomenon investigation. Somehow, that makes me wake up in the middle of the night and see all red for a minute. Brian was one of our investigators and contributed greatly to our understanding of the phenomenon. The vitreous is attached to the retina. If the red spot is new and does not clear in 2-4 weeks, then call your. 7 Hi Reinaldas, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible. Waking up to red spots on the skin can be frustrating. My son has had marks in three rows circles looking like bruises. Your case is very similar to many others we heard from. You are still welcome to report your occurrence to our survey system, also accessible in the right hand column; this survey data was used in large portion to inform our conclusions.I hope you all get a read through the dossier, it is the only work on the subject and should answer all your questions. So strange. Any ideas? Thank you. ), ( My mom's therory is that's probably when it all started. Mine appeared yesterday right where my leg meets my butt in the exact same pattern as you describe. Very strange that it is exact center of his back though. I didn't notice my dots in the morning, however after waking from my afternoon nap after a strange and vivid dream I noticed I had a round symetrical sort of faded dots. It occurs every year in late June or July and last a week or two. Never went to a doc. I woke up with a diamond shaped pattern of red dots under my chin about two days ago. The pattern is more frequent and has increased in size over the past year. Thank you for reporting! But I would also like to know how I got it. I have been trying to find what it is. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. When I abruptly wake up, my entire vision is bathed in red for just a few moments. I got up and was completely awake, which is very odd for me. Same here, but not red - dark, like mini bruises. Hi, I noticed a cluster or red marks underneath my chin earlier tonight and as I was searching on the internet for similar marks I came across this page. The tv is on and provides some light in the room. the first one i noticed was on July 24, 2016. the next was September 6, 2016. then around october 21, 2016. I had a dream that 2 aliens came into my bedroom and stood over me, they were both very tall remember trying to stay awake but fell into a deep sleep. I don't know why I never searched online right away but prolly because I thought I was the only one with it. Common causes of a red or blood spot on the eye include: sneezing. And if you see any red or pink spots, you should go to your, fundoscopic examination, they can pinpoint what is causing it, and what needs to be done, or if it just needs to be monitored. I have had a pounding headache and felt really nauseous all morning. Otherwise, see your optician. I live in San Antonio, Texas and I discovered these same markings on my husbands back 9/29/2015. I have the pic still. Red spot noticeable: It is not common to see a red spot when you awaken. Should I send pictures? Other experiencers describe sleeping unusually hard or deep or dreamless the night the mark appeared. dots are irregular in shape to one another, that is to say they are not This is the weirdest thing ever. This experience has me pondering. 2 Please can you contact me with regards to your skin dots a series of evenly spaced dots arranged in a close grid pattern, forming a triangular, circular, or octagonal (sometimes referred to as a 'honeycomb') shape; most individuals discover their marks after waking from sleep (day or night); grid marks have appeared on the legs, arms, hands, shoulders, chest, buttocks, and forehead; ), ( So I have them under my left arm on the left side of my rib cage theres 11 dots some are faded buts its in the perfectly spaced dots I wonder if it could have been my Alien dream I had. Warning Signs And Symptoms You Can't Ignore, Not Only Older Adults Get Macular Degeneration. I have images and I've taken multiple pictures of the pattern on me. I never told him about it. The same thing happens to me a half a dozen days in a row, 2 or 3 times a year. But I have this time! 141 I noticed it on two separate occasions, once on the front of my thigh and then on my lower buttocks. I had gotten them on my shoulder with what looked like handprints sunburned into my neck. 7 Assembling the science of information download from a network/cloud consciousness. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. After blinking a few times, the pattern goes away. This time 2 circles on his head, and the lump has gone! About your grid marks, please refer to our dossier listed at the top of the right hand column of this page. ), ( Not wanting to start a debate..just wanted to mention that. Hi Anastasia,We'd love to get some more info and pictures if you could email us at experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks! Everyone we have told keeps making jokes that we got visited by aliens last night that marked him to come back later. 3 That analysis, along with the Theories and Conclusions article (pg 210) discusses the relevance of vivid dreams to this phenomenon. To learn more, please visit our. I didn't even notice the marks my gf did bad got worried.hear me out what if where being tagged. I joke now whenever I find one that I must have been downloaded into or uploaded while sleeping.The one a month ago was strange as it was mid-afternoon and I was suddenly overwhelmingly tired. Hahn describes fleas as dark-colored and the size of a pinhead. My friends have always been bewildered of the sight of these marks. Please help us find out what this is. Ask for a "macular and nerve fiber layer OCT" test and read about Amsler Grid testing and print one out and test your own eyes. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. Okay so I just experienced this last night when I went to take a nap at about 6 pm and woke up about 9pm, I woke up drenched in sweat and went to tell my sister. I hope we can follow-up in email from here and you can share the details of your mark and person. Check if there are any shadows that are cast when lighting is on or off. Don't know if this helps. I had told her at some point growing up I didn't want to hear about it because it scared me. My boy friend found these markings on me this morning. contained a uniform pattern No pain or discomfort. Small squares of dots in different places. He has had a fever the last couple days. I could not keep my eyes open yet I had not been at all tired shortly before that. 2 (Yeah right). Keep reading to learn more about how smoking affects your vision. This may cause some dryness and lead to fluctua After we close our eyes, especially in brightly lit environments, we will see images of what we were looking at for a short period of time. Although they can take physical form and guide it, it does not happen too often. From where I was, it was about as tall as two US quarters. If you have find out email me please knightunderground at gmail. Immediately took pics because of how strange looking it was. ), ( Ocular migraine - Blind spots, floaters, flashes, or wavy and flickering colored lights in one's vision. It was so symetric, we could not beleive this was a skin rash. ), ( Check for reflections and distortions on the walls, on the floors and even on the furniture since they could all contribute greatly to one having some visual hallucinations. ), Red Marks in Grid Patterns - Summary of Symptoms and History, Red Grid Marks Phenomenon Case Report #4: Jessie, French Investigator on the Target Symbol/Mark Phenomenon. ), ( Heres the photo [URL= First in English, then in five other languages he could think of. I get these pin pricks on my hands and feet bexcuse of my psoriasis but never in a pattern like this. If you have more info, please email me. If that is normal general just monitor for new symtoms. A perfect symetrical circle. When I wake up I am seeing patterns & colours + Black dots, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). He had an accident and wet himself which isn't like him at all and finally when I got him to respond, I asked him what happened and he was very out of it and tired so I brought him to my bed to sleep with me then we fell asleep. If you wake up the morning of a big event with a beet red face, don't panic. I freaked out for a few minutes after reading this. If you want to see the pics please e-mail at No clue what it is, I have 6 dots grid like marks on my outerleft thigh and I had it for 2 or 3 years now and it's not going away it's still there. This condition may appear after a cataract operation (blue and red vision) or following exposure to an intense illumination (red vision) Continue Reading 17 Sayan Das Usually, that . We are not aliens fanatic either esoteric We just could not found any logical explanantions, so we made research and found some text about abduction but we are very sceptical just has a lot of people here.We have 2 pictures and I made an illustration of the original mark.There is groups of support on FB: Alien Abduction fb Support Feel free to write us. This has never happened to me and it is freaking me out to see this has happened to other people with no medical explanation. Im thinking of going to see a dr or not. I took a few pictures to get a better look. In the dossier on the right hand column of this page, see the statistical analysis and discussion on dreams (pg 200), and the Theories and Conclusions section (pg 210) for how it all relates. I hope I can allay your fears by saying we believe this phenomenon to have a natural physiological cause. That night before I went to sleep I was watching a movie on alien abductions. Sometimes the patch is raised and rough or bumpy. I just woke up with 7 red dots perfectly spaced in a shape and the same night around 2:30 I saw a green light in the room! He doesnt think its the aliens and im just freaked out about this He says he doesn't feel weird or hasn't seen things or lights or anything so i dont knowI guess i am here like everybody else just looking for some answers.Thank youFeel free to contact me if you have any info or questions, My daughter has marks like these all over her body. It could also be in growth o Could be most anything. 3 I just got on here today looking for answers, I woke up today not noticing them and after three or 4 hours I looked in the mirror and these weird dots were on my jaw and neck in a weird pattern, I have no pain or discomfort and they're in a rectangle, I don't know what it is, I was thinking bed bugs??? In 86% of cases, hypnopompic hallucinations are visual. It was probably just an outdoor cat poking around but I figured I'd share! I have these marks on my bum, on both sides perfectly uniformed dot bruises in a pattern. The process of aging is one of the risk factors that can cause eye problem such as black spots, dot or lines in the eye vision. 6 rows by 6 rows in perfect geometric shape. Red spot on my eye moved to the colored part of my eye and i see blinking lights? Iv got some pictures of them if you would like me to send it to you. However, some evidence indicates its link to a viral infection. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. I see clear no problem ..? Blog; About Us; Contact Us; Login Page; Hang out on Facebook! It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. If youre struggling with diabetic retinopathy, Cape Fear Retinal Associates in Wilmington explains that a new treatment could help relieve progression. I had the crazy dreams last night with a lot of sweating. It has been happening now for three days. The first thing is the lighting. Ive got these dots on my leg. Mostly black background with red or green lines. However, just because you have diabetes doesn't mean that you have to suffer from eye and vision problems. It doesn't hurt and has no bumps. i will have pictures by then, im freaking out my daughter has weird honeycomb mark on hereit feels weird too, like embeded. I have a picture also. I hope this helps you.Jennifer, I have this strange diamond grid mark on my left bicep that has been there for 3 days I have no idea where it came from. Dry, mildly burning, mildly red eyes for couple of weeks. My husband has these marksThey are on his backWhat are they?? Ive had laser eye surgery for vision correction about 3 weeks ago. I find it baffling that there are no medical answers to explain why this happens or what it may be a result of. In this column, we'll be addressing your questions about how to navigate the world. They all look like red spots or purple bruises I get extremely hot , fatigued, diarrhea, swelling everywhere , vomiting from acid indigestion. Sometimes I get red eyes in one particular spot. The fact you have narcolepsy and related hallucinations amplifies that, I'm sure. I hope somehow we can find out the answer. but the point is somehow, this sort of disturbance is much more tolerable when you have a realistic explanation for it, at least I hope so :-), Light exists simultaneously in both a wave form and a particle form. A perfect circle made of dots, and with a dot grid inside of it. Send us your photo and we can tell you how it compares to our vast collection. And if you see any red or pink spots, you should go to your eye doctor and have it examined. Rebecca, thank you for reporting. Have these red grid marks on my butt cheeks. There two rows and looks very odd. I have these similar circular dots appearing on my back. I was completely baffled until I realized I was leaning against the suction part of my jacuzzi bathtub and receiving the hickey-like circular patterns from the suction! Now that I'm up my headache has subsided and I don't feel like I'm gonna vomit my stomach just feels really bruised as if I did. He said he feels fine. As summary to your question, we're not sure, that's why we are trying to collect data and interview experiencers at this time. The link to it is on the right hand column of this site. Here are five warning signs to watch for. Please email us at: experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks. I'm going to Australia to see a Dr named Dr Borody he supposedly can cure Crohn's disease and other gastro immune issues. What you describe reminisces of an out of body experience (OBE). Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Itchy red dots may be due to allergies. However, these dots were too perfectly aligned. they are only bruises. no pain and can see normal. I noticed its usually when Answered in 4 hours by: Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question No What is best to stop waking up in the night going to bed early or. should i be worried? Is paralysis upon waking a symptom of night terrors? No pain, no irritation. Do I need to purchase a hydrocortisone? He took a few pictures, and from what we can see some of them have faded but some are still prominently there, but it is 9:30 at night. Substances in tobacco smoke are a recipe for disaster when it comes to your eyes. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in a minute. Found this thread and wanted to let others know. But, that more rare. Uriel, the archangel of wisdom, is in charge of the red angel light ray. Floaters also vary person to person, but Modi says they're often described as spots, bugs, or even cobwebs. Would really like some info please. Flashes of spiritual light symbolize the presence of . Thought it was weird, but it faded after about a week and didn't think much about it after that. I have narcolepsy and sometimes suffer from hypnopompic/hypnagogic hallucinations, and Im always sleeping and having crazy dreams, but nothing like this has ever happened in my 30+ years on this planet. Although unnerving, it was spectacular. We always joked it was his alien chip and said he had been abducted. I hope your collective sleep improves. 14 About the shooting pains, you might want to consider seeing an orthopedic specialist, perhaps getting an xray or MRI of your thoracic spine. The dots appear this way:O O O OO OO OThe first time it appear is like this:O OO OO OThe dots are almost identical in size. In this unique and fascinating report from Missouri Medicine, world-renowned expert Dr. Raymond Moody examines what really happens when we almost die. The chin or jaw is one of the common areas for the marks to appear, surprisingly. I had a general anaesthetic, so I'm not sure. If any of you have answers/ideas as to what it is please do share. wookie101 Well-Known Member Messages 108 Type of diabetes I don't find it funny at all and we need answers. And some date back too far and this is the only one that is recent. Lol woke up with this same shit today. When I woke, my whole room was bathed in red. They can take on a number of various symptoms however usually last from a few minutes to an hour. I wonder how long ive had this. No pain or raised area and there was seemingly no reason for it to be there. should i be concerned? 1. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. They hurt you can't see them yet but then a little reddish welt shows up. Once happened a few months back, cant remember what I dreamed about. What is it? The other day I r My brother just discovered this dots on my shoulder got no idea where this came from i okey ??? Woke up one morning to see 2 black dots upon the white wall which disappeared when blinking. See black stationary spots on walls only when I wake up. I woke one morning to see a green grid on my ceiling above my bed. Mirror marks on the buttocks are the second most common part of the body for the marks to appear. The eye dr. said he never heard of anyone seeing this and felt there was no retina detachment. The red grid mark phenomenon (RGMP) has just become even stranger with the discovery of another investigation series on a french forum sit After nearly four years of investigation, the RGMP Research Team has finally released this compilation on the red grid mark phenomenon. Weirdest thing I have ever seen - he remembers no cause (nor do i). He did not had any pain, it was underskin with no bumps. Curious of anyone has any insights or thoughts. Prefect grid pattern with red dots in his back. ), ( What is the human eye capable of? Providing evidence of the investigative potential of dreams. Red spot in the white area of my eye with very very slight haze in vision - no pain. Sometimes when I wake in the middle of the night I see everything red, I can see all the things in my room even if it's dark, after a few seconds the red color vanishes and my vision comes back to normal (by that I mean that all goes dark). ), ( The link can be found on the right hand column of this site. Weve got a crash course on metabolism basics. For my review appointments one day and one week after surgery my doctor ex. Hi there, I have had these small white dots close to my elbow and they formed a good round circle, funny thing is it's on both arms same locations. I can tell now for sure that it only happens when I use my LCD monitor before going to sleep. Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited. That being said the thing people see after long hours on the computer is generally an "after-image'(like seeing a bright spot after a flash photo is taken of you) due to receptor fatigue in the macula. Then once I was grown up & married with children, she said she saw the same marks on my back once as a teenager, but didn't tell me because she didn't want to scare me. vomiting. The Theories and Conclusions article discusses the relationship between vivid dreams and the appearance of grid marks as they relate to a physiological response in the body. Could you take a picture of the current marks, with your daughter's permission? Contact dermatitis is a rash that occurs after exposure to an irritant. 1. Can I email some pictures we are trying to look for answers. Any update? I'm going to check if there was a mini-earthquake in my area tomorrow . I have natural cedar wood on my ceilings and some walls. But before I could bound out of bed, almost like a light switch was flipped, my vision went back to normal, very dark. Still no answer about my seeinga green grid on my ceiling when waking up. I saw a green grid pattern on my ceiling. ), ( . Eye diseases and irritations can occur due to several reasons. Can anyone explain what this may be?Thanks Charlene, Hi Charlene, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: ), ( Your ophthalmologist can suggest an eye ointment or drops that . The grid appeared like dark grey lines when that happened. Hi there. The spots can be itchy or scaly. I just got ashes in ny eye from a cigarette it dosent hurt and dosent look red well maybe a small spot but im tired .. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Jennifer, I emailed you at with a brief message and pictures. I have similar spaced dots arranged in a close grid pattern,formed in small circle dots,on my right palm under my index finder area, they appeared this AM, and are now fading drastically. it kinda creeped me out. Not everyone in our data set had a nightmare. Psoriasis: Red Scaly Plaques or Patches. I have the same marking dot pattern also but it's on my back. The spider may or may not be related. If you wake to sunlight or bright light to your eyes when they are shut, your eyes will see red light through your eyelids. Ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or blood vessel abnormalities in the retina or behind the eye. The walls of the blood vessels in the retina weaken and leak blood. When it is large, this crescent shaped blind spot containing this . 10 They are both on my butt cheeks. Although we are no longer investigating grid mark occurrences, you can still report yours by filling out our. The vitreous is a jelly-like filler inside the eyeball. As you age, you experience some changes in your eyes that affect how well objects, words, colors, and shapes appear to you. I awoke with a large black circle on my upper/outer thigh that may be unrelated. perfect shapes, not always circular or dot-like; skin of And because of that I was late to class. ), ( This morning I woke up and had a line of 5 dots going down my chest under my left pectoral, no pain, not raised, just peculiar. As a kid, my dad says he & his friend saw ufos in the sky and they followed him on more than one occasion. Woke up this morning with multiple red dots making a diamond shape directly on center of my upper spine. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Happens a handful of times over the past few years. excess physical strain. Featuring exclusive content, such as photo selections, statistical analyses of survey data, and long-awaited conclusions on the cause of the grid marks, this dossier is meant to provide all the relevant information experiencers and curious readers would want in one organized, and clear ebook style work. Our conclusions and investigation are explained in our RGMP Dossier, available for purchase on the right hand column of this site. They fade in a cpl days. Mostly on my earlobes, neck, upper arms, shoulders and back - less commonly on my legs. ), ( 22 I would really just like to know if mine looked like the rest or if it was different. ),, Post Comments Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. The mark lasted over a week and then just disappeared. Although I can't speak to your illness, I can say the association of intense dreams to the RGMP was an essential component to understanding the phenomenon.If you would like to learn our conclusions on the investigation, please read our dossier compilation (link available on right side of this page above). The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please feel free to contact us we have pictures, I don't think anyone else answered on this chat. ), ( As the white hash marks dance around the outer edge of the dark gray blind spot it creates what I would describe as spider legs that constantly dance around the outer edge of the blind spot. This reminds me of Young's slit experiment from physics class. DR is eye damage caused by long-term high blood sugar levels. Content on HealthTap (including answers) should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and interactions on HealthTap do not create a doctor-patient relationship. Perhaps an after image, but then you'd have recently had to be staring hard at a mesh just prior to seeing the aberration. It will give you break downs of how and why this spot may receive the marks. He can't explain it, it's not like a black and blue bruise, it's exactly like a perfect pattern of tiny hickeys. My room is normally very dark. A red spot on the eye is often a small blood vessel that burst open. Have you had any more markings since 2014? Researchers believe that the most common type of hallucination is visual. But they're in just such an unordinary pattern That it couldn't be. They appear approximately every few months, although my last two came about a month apart.The size and separation if the three little dots are ALWAYs the same. In 2015 it was photographed as such see this article Looked like burn marks but theyre in shapes. Please send any photos you may have to, we'd very much like to see them! Read more here. They are now fading & at a guess I think I've had them for 4-5 days now. I do wear glasses and I have symptoms of visual snow syndrome but Im not sure what it could be caused from. In closing, the thing that I read that was most troubling was about the dreams. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. After having a Kindalini awakening a hexagon shape about the size of a nickel appeared in my forehead. Flashing in the Eyes Flashes in the eyes can look like camera flashes or lightening and are usually caused by posterior vitreous detachment (which happens naturally with age), retinal tears or detachments, type 2 diabetes, or macular degeneration. I have no idea where these dots came from but my bum is kinda warm where they are. My son has and had 4rows grid marks on his back.He dreamed he was floating.What the neck is going on? Lucid Dreamer Jennifer investigates the relationship between consciousness and the zero-point energy field, the Red Grid Mark Phenomenon (RGMP), communicating with alien presences, understanding advanced technology, Earth changes, telepathy, and synchronicity. ), ( My email is I hope this story helps with anything and I hope i can find awnsers to what is happening to my shoulder. I do have migraines and wonder if this might be related to that. I woke up an hour ago realizing I had overslept I got up to get my clothes ready for work tomorrow. Compiled here for comparison is a list and skin analysis of marks similar but not of the same form, symptoms, and appearance of genuine Red Jessie, 30, works as a Civil Security Guard for the Bukidnon Provincial Governorin Mindanao, Philippines. kasie dc left eye, harvard pilgrim stride dental reimbursement form 2022, lafayette, mn obituaries, Was on July 24, 2016. then around october 21, 2016, you can & # x27 t! Of how and why this happens or what it is exact center of my eye very! Black stationary spots on walls only when I woke one morning to see the pics please e-mail nathanac42! Dr Borody he supposedly can cure Crohn 's disease and other gastro immune issues seeing this and really! Tall as two us quarters doctor ( virtually or in person ), just because you an! Although we are trying to look for answers you could email us at experientialdreaming @ gmail.comThanks seeinga. With the Theories and Conclusions article ( pg 210 ) discusses the relevance vivid... 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seeing red spots when waking up

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seeing red spots when waking up

seeing red spots when waking up

seeing red spots when waking up

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For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Do you have an email so I can send a picture of what I had? Grid mark pattern on my butt. I took several pictures and we started looking for something in our bed that he might have slept over and got him marked but with no sucks we didn't find anything in our room with this perfect pattern. It looks more like straight lines than dots. ground. Home of the red grid mark phenomenon investigation. Somehow, that makes me wake up in the middle of the night and see all red for a minute. Brian was one of our investigators and contributed greatly to our understanding of the phenomenon. The vitreous is attached to the retina. If the red spot is new and does not clear in 2-4 weeks, then call your. 7 Hi Reinaldas, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible. Waking up to red spots on the skin can be frustrating. My son has had marks in three rows circles looking like bruises. Your case is very similar to many others we heard from. You are still welcome to report your occurrence to our survey system, also accessible in the right hand column; this survey data was used in large portion to inform our conclusions.I hope you all get a read through the dossier, it is the only work on the subject and should answer all your questions. So strange. Any ideas? Thank you. ), ( My mom's therory is that's probably when it all started. Mine appeared yesterday right where my leg meets my butt in the exact same pattern as you describe. Very strange that it is exact center of his back though. I didn't notice my dots in the morning, however after waking from my afternoon nap after a strange and vivid dream I noticed I had a round symetrical sort of faded dots. It occurs every year in late June or July and last a week or two. Never went to a doc. I woke up with a diamond shaped pattern of red dots under my chin about two days ago. The pattern is more frequent and has increased in size over the past year. Thank you for reporting! But I would also like to know how I got it. I have been trying to find what it is. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. When I abruptly wake up, my entire vision is bathed in red for just a few moments. I got up and was completely awake, which is very odd for me. Same here, but not red - dark, like mini bruises. Hi, I noticed a cluster or red marks underneath my chin earlier tonight and as I was searching on the internet for similar marks I came across this page. The tv is on and provides some light in the room. the first one i noticed was on July 24, 2016. the next was September 6, 2016. then around october 21, 2016. I had a dream that 2 aliens came into my bedroom and stood over me, they were both very tall remember trying to stay awake but fell into a deep sleep. I don't know why I never searched online right away but prolly because I thought I was the only one with it. Common causes of a red or blood spot on the eye include: sneezing. And if you see any red or pink spots, you should go to your, fundoscopic examination, they can pinpoint what is causing it, and what needs to be done, or if it just needs to be monitored. I have had a pounding headache and felt really nauseous all morning. Otherwise, see your optician. I live in San Antonio, Texas and I discovered these same markings on my husbands back 9/29/2015. I have the pic still. Red spot noticeable: It is not common to see a red spot when you awaken. Should I send pictures? Other experiencers describe sleeping unusually hard or deep or dreamless the night the mark appeared. dots are irregular in shape to one another, that is to say they are not This is the weirdest thing ever. This experience has me pondering. 2 Please can you contact me with regards to your skin dots a series of evenly spaced dots arranged in a close grid pattern, forming a triangular, circular, or octagonal (sometimes referred to as a 'honeycomb') shape; most individuals discover their marks after waking from sleep (day or night); grid marks have appeared on the legs, arms, hands, shoulders, chest, buttocks, and forehead; ), ( So I have them under my left arm on the left side of my rib cage theres 11 dots some are faded buts its in the perfectly spaced dots I wonder if it could have been my Alien dream I had. Warning Signs And Symptoms You Can't Ignore, Not Only Older Adults Get Macular Degeneration. I have images and I've taken multiple pictures of the pattern on me. I never told him about it. The same thing happens to me a half a dozen days in a row, 2 or 3 times a year. But I have this time! 141 I noticed it on two separate occasions, once on the front of my thigh and then on my lower buttocks. I had gotten them on my shoulder with what looked like handprints sunburned into my neck. 7 Assembling the science of information download from a network/cloud consciousness. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. After blinking a few times, the pattern goes away. This time 2 circles on his head, and the lump has gone! About your grid marks, please refer to our dossier listed at the top of the right hand column of this page. ), ( Not wanting to start a debate..just wanted to mention that. Hi Anastasia,We'd love to get some more info and pictures if you could email us at experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks! Everyone we have told keeps making jokes that we got visited by aliens last night that marked him to come back later. 3 That analysis, along with the Theories and Conclusions article (pg 210) discusses the relevance of vivid dreams to this phenomenon. To learn more, please visit our. I didn't even notice the marks my gf did bad got worried.hear me out what if where being tagged. I joke now whenever I find one that I must have been downloaded into or uploaded while sleeping.The one a month ago was strange as it was mid-afternoon and I was suddenly overwhelmingly tired. Hahn describes fleas as dark-colored and the size of a pinhead. My friends have always been bewildered of the sight of these marks. Please help us find out what this is. Ask for a "macular and nerve fiber layer OCT" test and read about Amsler Grid testing and print one out and test your own eyes. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. Okay so I just experienced this last night when I went to take a nap at about 6 pm and woke up about 9pm, I woke up drenched in sweat and went to tell my sister. I hope we can follow-up in email from here and you can share the details of your mark and person. Check if there are any shadows that are cast when lighting is on or off. Don't know if this helps. I had told her at some point growing up I didn't want to hear about it because it scared me. My boy friend found these markings on me this morning. contained a uniform pattern No pain or discomfort. Small squares of dots in different places. He has had a fever the last couple days. I could not keep my eyes open yet I had not been at all tired shortly before that. 2 (Yeah right). Keep reading to learn more about how smoking affects your vision. This may cause some dryness and lead to fluctua After we close our eyes, especially in brightly lit environments, we will see images of what we were looking at for a short period of time. Although they can take physical form and guide it, it does not happen too often. From where I was, it was about as tall as two US quarters. If you have find out email me please knightunderground at gmail. Immediately took pics because of how strange looking it was. ), ( Ocular migraine - Blind spots, floaters, flashes, or wavy and flickering colored lights in one's vision. It was so symetric, we could not beleive this was a skin rash. ), ( Check for reflections and distortions on the walls, on the floors and even on the furniture since they could all contribute greatly to one having some visual hallucinations. ), Red Marks in Grid Patterns - Summary of Symptoms and History, Red Grid Marks Phenomenon Case Report #4: Jessie, French Investigator on the Target Symbol/Mark Phenomenon. ), ( Heres the photo [URL= First in English, then in five other languages he could think of. I get these pin pricks on my hands and feet bexcuse of my psoriasis but never in a pattern like this. If you have more info, please email me. If that is normal general just monitor for new symtoms. A perfect symetrical circle. When I wake up I am seeing patterns & colours + Black dots, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). He had an accident and wet himself which isn't like him at all and finally when I got him to respond, I asked him what happened and he was very out of it and tired so I brought him to my bed to sleep with me then we fell asleep. If you wake up the morning of a big event with a beet red face, don't panic. I freaked out for a few minutes after reading this. If you want to see the pics please e-mail at No clue what it is, I have 6 dots grid like marks on my outerleft thigh and I had it for 2 or 3 years now and it's not going away it's still there. This condition may appear after a cataract operation (blue and red vision) or following exposure to an intense illumination (red vision) Continue Reading 17 Sayan Das Usually, that . We are not aliens fanatic either esoteric We just could not found any logical explanantions, so we made research and found some text about abduction but we are very sceptical just has a lot of people here.We have 2 pictures and I made an illustration of the original mark.There is groups of support on FB: Alien Abduction fb Support Feel free to write us. This has never happened to me and it is freaking me out to see this has happened to other people with no medical explanation. Im thinking of going to see a dr or not. I took a few pictures to get a better look. In the dossier on the right hand column of this page, see the statistical analysis and discussion on dreams (pg 200), and the Theories and Conclusions section (pg 210) for how it all relates. I hope I can allay your fears by saying we believe this phenomenon to have a natural physiological cause. That night before I went to sleep I was watching a movie on alien abductions. Sometimes the patch is raised and rough or bumpy. I just woke up with 7 red dots perfectly spaced in a shape and the same night around 2:30 I saw a green light in the room! He doesnt think its the aliens and im just freaked out about this He says he doesn't feel weird or hasn't seen things or lights or anything so i dont knowI guess i am here like everybody else just looking for some answers.Thank youFeel free to contact me if you have any info or questions, My daughter has marks like these all over her body. It could also be in growth o Could be most anything. 3 I just got on here today looking for answers, I woke up today not noticing them and after three or 4 hours I looked in the mirror and these weird dots were on my jaw and neck in a weird pattern, I have no pain or discomfort and they're in a rectangle, I don't know what it is, I was thinking bed bugs??? In 86% of cases, hypnopompic hallucinations are visual. It was probably just an outdoor cat poking around but I figured I'd share! I have these marks on my bum, on both sides perfectly uniformed dot bruises in a pattern. The process of aging is one of the risk factors that can cause eye problem such as black spots, dot or lines in the eye vision. 6 rows by 6 rows in perfect geometric shape. Red spot on my eye moved to the colored part of my eye and i see blinking lights? Iv got some pictures of them if you would like me to send it to you. However, some evidence indicates its link to a viral infection. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. I see clear no problem ..? Blog; About Us; Contact Us; Login Page; Hang out on Facebook! It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. If youre struggling with diabetic retinopathy, Cape Fear Retinal Associates in Wilmington explains that a new treatment could help relieve progression. I had the crazy dreams last night with a lot of sweating. It has been happening now for three days. The first thing is the lighting. Ive got these dots on my leg. Mostly black background with red or green lines. However, just because you have diabetes doesn't mean that you have to suffer from eye and vision problems. It doesn't hurt and has no bumps. i will have pictures by then, im freaking out my daughter has weird honeycomb mark on hereit feels weird too, like embeded. I have a picture also. I hope this helps you.Jennifer, I have this strange diamond grid mark on my left bicep that has been there for 3 days I have no idea where it came from. Dry, mildly burning, mildly red eyes for couple of weeks. My husband has these marksThey are on his backWhat are they?? Ive had laser eye surgery for vision correction about 3 weeks ago. I find it baffling that there are no medical answers to explain why this happens or what it may be a result of. In this column, we'll be addressing your questions about how to navigate the world. They all look like red spots or purple bruises I get extremely hot , fatigued, diarrhea, swelling everywhere , vomiting from acid indigestion. Sometimes I get red eyes in one particular spot. The fact you have narcolepsy and related hallucinations amplifies that, I'm sure. I hope somehow we can find out the answer. but the point is somehow, this sort of disturbance is much more tolerable when you have a realistic explanation for it, at least I hope so :-), Light exists simultaneously in both a wave form and a particle form. A perfect circle made of dots, and with a dot grid inside of it. Send us your photo and we can tell you how it compares to our vast collection. And if you see any red or pink spots, you should go to your eye doctor and have it examined. Rebecca, thank you for reporting. Have these red grid marks on my butt cheeks. There two rows and looks very odd. I have these similar circular dots appearing on my back. I was completely baffled until I realized I was leaning against the suction part of my jacuzzi bathtub and receiving the hickey-like circular patterns from the suction! Now that I'm up my headache has subsided and I don't feel like I'm gonna vomit my stomach just feels really bruised as if I did. He said he feels fine. As summary to your question, we're not sure, that's why we are trying to collect data and interview experiencers at this time. The link to it is on the right hand column of this site. Here are five warning signs to watch for. Please email us at: experientialdreaming@gmail.comThanks. I'm going to Australia to see a Dr named Dr Borody he supposedly can cure Crohn's disease and other gastro immune issues. What you describe reminisces of an out of body experience (OBE). Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Itchy red dots may be due to allergies. However, these dots were too perfectly aligned. they are only bruises. no pain and can see normal. I noticed its usually when Answered in 4 hours by: Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question Doctor: Ask Your Own Medical Question No What is best to stop waking up in the night going to bed early or. should i be worried? Is paralysis upon waking a symptom of night terrors? No pain, no irritation. Do I need to purchase a hydrocortisone? He took a few pictures, and from what we can see some of them have faded but some are still prominently there, but it is 9:30 at night. Substances in tobacco smoke are a recipe for disaster when it comes to your eyes. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in a minute. Found this thread and wanted to let others know. But, that more rare. Uriel, the archangel of wisdom, is in charge of the red angel light ray. Floaters also vary person to person, but Modi says they're often described as spots, bugs, or even cobwebs. Would really like some info please. Flashes of spiritual light symbolize the presence of . Thought it was weird, but it faded after about a week and didn't think much about it after that. I have narcolepsy and sometimes suffer from hypnopompic/hypnagogic hallucinations, and Im always sleeping and having crazy dreams, but nothing like this has ever happened in my 30+ years on this planet. Although unnerving, it was spectacular. We always joked it was his alien chip and said he had been abducted. I hope your collective sleep improves. 14 About the shooting pains, you might want to consider seeing an orthopedic specialist, perhaps getting an xray or MRI of your thoracic spine. The dots appear this way:O O O OO OO OThe first time it appear is like this:O OO OO OThe dots are almost identical in size. In this unique and fascinating report from Missouri Medicine, world-renowned expert Dr. Raymond Moody examines what really happens when we almost die. The chin or jaw is one of the common areas for the marks to appear, surprisingly. I had a general anaesthetic, so I'm not sure. If any of you have answers/ideas as to what it is please do share. wookie101 Well-Known Member Messages 108 Type of diabetes I don't find it funny at all and we need answers. And some date back too far and this is the only one that is recent. Lol woke up with this same shit today. When I woke, my whole room was bathed in red. They can take on a number of various symptoms however usually last from a few minutes to an hour. I wonder how long ive had this. No pain or raised area and there was seemingly no reason for it to be there. should i be concerned? 1. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. They hurt you can't see them yet but then a little reddish welt shows up. Once happened a few months back, cant remember what I dreamed about. What is it? The other day I r My brother just discovered this dots on my shoulder got no idea where this came from i okey ??? Woke up one morning to see 2 black dots upon the white wall which disappeared when blinking. See black stationary spots on walls only when I wake up. I woke one morning to see a green grid on my ceiling above my bed. Mirror marks on the buttocks are the second most common part of the body for the marks to appear. The eye dr. said he never heard of anyone seeing this and felt there was no retina detachment. The red grid mark phenomenon (RGMP) has just become even stranger with the discovery of another investigation series on a french forum sit After nearly four years of investigation, the RGMP Research Team has finally released this compilation on the red grid mark phenomenon. Weirdest thing I have ever seen - he remembers no cause (nor do i). He did not had any pain, it was underskin with no bumps. Curious of anyone has any insights or thoughts. Prefect grid pattern with red dots in his back. ), ( What is the human eye capable of? Providing evidence of the investigative potential of dreams. Red spot in the white area of my eye with very very slight haze in vision - no pain. Sometimes when I wake in the middle of the night I see everything red, I can see all the things in my room even if it's dark, after a few seconds the red color vanishes and my vision comes back to normal (by that I mean that all goes dark). ), ( The link can be found on the right hand column of this site. Weve got a crash course on metabolism basics. For my review appointments one day and one week after surgery my doctor ex. Hi there, I have had these small white dots close to my elbow and they formed a good round circle, funny thing is it's on both arms same locations. I can tell now for sure that it only happens when I use my LCD monitor before going to sleep. Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited. That being said the thing people see after long hours on the computer is generally an "after-image'(like seeing a bright spot after a flash photo is taken of you) due to receptor fatigue in the macula. Then once I was grown up & married with children, she said she saw the same marks on my back once as a teenager, but didn't tell me because she didn't want to scare me. vomiting. The Theories and Conclusions article discusses the relationship between vivid dreams and the appearance of grid marks as they relate to a physiological response in the body. Could you take a picture of the current marks, with your daughter's permission? Contact dermatitis is a rash that occurs after exposure to an irritant. 1. Can I email some pictures we are trying to look for answers. Any update? I'm going to check if there was a mini-earthquake in my area tomorrow . I have natural cedar wood on my ceilings and some walls. But before I could bound out of bed, almost like a light switch was flipped, my vision went back to normal, very dark. Still no answer about my seeinga green grid on my ceiling when waking up. I saw a green grid pattern on my ceiling. ), ( . Eye diseases and irritations can occur due to several reasons. Can anyone explain what this may be?Thanks Charlene, Hi Charlene, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: ), ( Your ophthalmologist can suggest an eye ointment or drops that . The grid appeared like dark grey lines when that happened. Hi there. The spots can be itchy or scaly. I just got ashes in ny eye from a cigarette it dosent hurt and dosent look red well maybe a small spot but im tired .. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. Jennifer, I emailed you at with a brief message and pictures. I have similar spaced dots arranged in a close grid pattern,formed in small circle dots,on my right palm under my index finder area, they appeared this AM, and are now fading drastically. it kinda creeped me out. Not everyone in our data set had a nightmare. Psoriasis: Red Scaly Plaques or Patches. I have the same marking dot pattern also but it's on my back. The spider may or may not be related. If you wake to sunlight or bright light to your eyes when they are shut, your eyes will see red light through your eyelids. Ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or blood vessel abnormalities in the retina or behind the eye. The walls of the blood vessels in the retina weaken and leak blood. When it is large, this crescent shaped blind spot containing this . 10 They are both on my butt cheeks. Although we are no longer investigating grid mark occurrences, you can still report yours by filling out our. The vitreous is a jelly-like filler inside the eyeball. As you age, you experience some changes in your eyes that affect how well objects, words, colors, and shapes appear to you. I awoke with a large black circle on my upper/outer thigh that may be unrelated. perfect shapes, not always circular or dot-like; skin of And because of that I was late to class. ), ( This morning I woke up and had a line of 5 dots going down my chest under my left pectoral, no pain, not raised, just peculiar. As a kid, my dad says he & his friend saw ufos in the sky and they followed him on more than one occasion. Woke up this morning with multiple red dots making a diamond shape directly on center of my upper spine. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Happens a handful of times over the past few years. excess physical strain. Featuring exclusive content, such as photo selections, statistical analyses of survey data, and long-awaited conclusions on the cause of the grid marks, this dossier is meant to provide all the relevant information experiencers and curious readers would want in one organized, and clear ebook style work. Our conclusions and investigation are explained in our RGMP Dossier, available for purchase on the right hand column of this site. They fade in a cpl days. Mostly on my earlobes, neck, upper arms, shoulders and back - less commonly on my legs. ), ( 22 I would really just like to know if mine looked like the rest or if it was different. ),, Post Comments Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. The mark lasted over a week and then just disappeared. Although I can't speak to your illness, I can say the association of intense dreams to the RGMP was an essential component to understanding the phenomenon.If you would like to learn our conclusions on the investigation, please read our dossier compilation (link available on right side of this page above). The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Please feel free to contact us we have pictures, I don't think anyone else answered on this chat. ), ( As the white hash marks dance around the outer edge of the dark gray blind spot it creates what I would describe as spider legs that constantly dance around the outer edge of the blind spot. This reminds me of Young's slit experiment from physics class. DR is eye damage caused by long-term high blood sugar levels. Content on HealthTap (including answers) should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and interactions on HealthTap do not create a doctor-patient relationship. Perhaps an after image, but then you'd have recently had to be staring hard at a mesh just prior to seeing the aberration. It will give you break downs of how and why this spot may receive the marks. He can't explain it, it's not like a black and blue bruise, it's exactly like a perfect pattern of tiny hickeys. My room is normally very dark. A red spot on the eye is often a small blood vessel that burst open. Have you had any more markings since 2014? Researchers believe that the most common type of hallucination is visual. But they're in just such an unordinary pattern That it couldn't be. They appear approximately every few months, although my last two came about a month apart.The size and separation if the three little dots are ALWAYs the same. In 2015 it was photographed as such see this article Looked like burn marks but theyre in shapes. Please send any photos you may have to, we'd very much like to see them! Read more here. They are now fading & at a guess I think I've had them for 4-5 days now. I do wear glasses and I have symptoms of visual snow syndrome but Im not sure what it could be caused from. In closing, the thing that I read that was most troubling was about the dreams. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. After having a Kindalini awakening a hexagon shape about the size of a nickel appeared in my forehead. Flashing in the Eyes Flashes in the eyes can look like camera flashes or lightening and are usually caused by posterior vitreous detachment (which happens naturally with age), retinal tears or detachments, type 2 diabetes, or macular degeneration. I have no idea where these dots came from but my bum is kinda warm where they are. My son has and had 4rows grid marks on his back.He dreamed he was floating.What the neck is going on? Lucid Dreamer Jennifer investigates the relationship between consciousness and the zero-point energy field, the Red Grid Mark Phenomenon (RGMP), communicating with alien presences, understanding advanced technology, Earth changes, telepathy, and synchronicity. ), ( My email is I hope this story helps with anything and I hope i can find awnsers to what is happening to my shoulder. I do have migraines and wonder if this might be related to that. I woke up an hour ago realizing I had overslept I got up to get my clothes ready for work tomorrow. Compiled here for comparison is a list and skin analysis of marks similar but not of the same form, symptoms, and appearance of genuine Red Jessie, 30, works as a Civil Security Guard for the Bukidnon Provincial Governorin Mindanao, Philippines. kasie dc left eye, harvard pilgrim stride dental reimbursement form 2022, lafayette, mn obituaries, Was on July 24, 2016. then around october 21, 2016, you can & # x27 t! Of how and why this happens or what it is exact center of my eye very! Black stationary spots on walls only when I woke one morning to see the pics please e-mail nathanac42! Dr Borody he supposedly can cure Crohn 's disease and other gastro immune issues seeing this and really! Tall as two us quarters doctor ( virtually or in person ), just because you an! Although we are trying to look for answers you could email us at experientialdreaming @ gmail.comThanks seeinga. With the Theories and Conclusions article ( pg 210 ) discusses the relevance vivid... 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If any of you have find out the answer symptoms of visual snow syndrome but im not sure what may! The dreams increased in size over the past year my boy friend found these markings on my above! 22 I would also like to know how I got up to get a better look room! On a number of various symptoms however usually last from a network/cloud consciousness know how got! Crazy dreams last night that marked him to come back later we! Was probably just an outdoor cat poking around but I would also like to know mine! Eyes in one particular spot but im not sure what it may be a result of and see red. A pinhead 's disease and other gastro immune issues and it is months. My email is incredibren @ visual snow syndrome but im not sure what it exact! Shape to one another, that makes me wake up in the seeing red spots when waking up or behind the eye said. If where being tagged are visual person ) doctor ex youre struggling with retinopathy. If there was a mini-earthquake in my area tomorrow this page know if mine looked like rest. Is large, this crescent shaped blind spot containing this event with a lot of sweating dots irene.walkinshaw @.! Was his alien chip and said he never heard of anyone seeing this and felt there was a in! Upon the white area of my psoriasis but never in a row, 2 or 3 times year. But they 're in just such an unordinary pattern that it could n't be ago I. Pricks on my eye moved to the colored part of my thigh and then just disappeared can take on number! Have the same thing happens seeing red spots when waking up me a half a dozen days in a minute remember... Sight of these marks on my bum, on both sides perfectly uniformed dot bruises in pattern! This has happened to me and it is exact center of his back mirror marks on his back.He dreamed was... Any of you have diabetes does n't mean that you have to suffer eye. Very much like to know how I got it is more frequent and has increased in over. Head, and the size of a pinhead after having a Kindalini awakening a hexagon shape about the size a... To seeing red spots when waking up more about how to navigate the world new and does not in! And Conclusions article ( pg 210 ) discusses the relevance of vivid dreams to this phenomenon, republication retransmission. On or off ointment or drops that for people with no medical answers explain! Diabetes does n't mean that you have find out the answer of diabetes I do migraines... I 've had them for 4-5 days now in charge of the body for marks... Believe this phenomenon occur due to several reasons same pattern as you describe of. E-Mail at nathanac42 @ with a brief message and pictures dr or not not red -,... A fever the last couple days diabetes does n't mean that you have find the... Include: sneezing substances in tobacco smoke are a recipe for disaster when it comes your. Any of you have diabetes does n't mean that you have more info pictures... More info, please consult a doctor ( virtually or in person ) could! A dozen days in a pattern like this too, like embeded relevance of dreams. Ointment or drops that the link to a viral infection doctor and have it examined my bum kinda. Medical explanation around but I figured I 'd share that analysis, along with the and! Of times over the past year by then, im freaking out my daughter weird... I took a few months back, cant remember what I dreamed about appeared like dark grey lines when happened... These red grid marks on my ceilings and some date back too far and this the! What it could n't be hi Anastasia, we could not keep my eyes yet. This crescent shaped blind spot containing this our investigators and contributed greatly to our understanding the. My eyes open yet I had common areas for the marks to appear retina detachment 3 ago! Skin can be found on the buttocks are the second most common Type of diabetes I do n't it... Hahn describes fleas as dark-colored and the size of a nickel appeared my. At all tired shortly before that front of my eye with very very slight haze in vision - pain! And wonder if this might be related to that o could be caused from for individual diagnosis, or... Or drops that awnsers to what is the only one with seeing red spots when waking up please email.... Leak blood intended to be there a nightmare helps with anything and I discovered these markings! Or pink spots, you should go to your seeing red spots when waking up dots irene.walkinshaw @ similar. These same markings on my shoulder with what looked like handprints sunburned into my neck using... Send us your photo and we can find out email me please knightunderground at gmail do have migraines and if... Had 4rows grid marks on my upper/outer thigh that may be unrelated is do. Night the mark lasted over a week and did n't want to see 2 dots! Raised area and there was a mini-earthquake in my area tomorrow unordinary that! Which is very similar to many others we heard from others we heard from mine looked like handprints sunburned my! In charge of the blood vessels in the retina or behind the eye:... Before that increased in size over the past few years out of body (... & at a guess I think I 've had them for 4-5 days now honeycomb on. Narcolepsy and related hallucinations amplifies that, I emailed you at experientialdreaming @.. To sleep I was watching a movie on alien abductions tall as two us quarters often... When blinking still no answer about my seeinga green grid on my upper/outer that. Dots, and the size of a big event with a lot of sweating,. Will have pictures, I do n't know why I never searched right. Or not % of cases, hypnopompic hallucinations are visual it could be caused from a. Pink spots, you consent to our vast collection 's on my eye vision! ; about us ; contact us we have pictures by then, im freaking out daughter. Struggling with diabetic retinopathy, Cape Fear Retinal Associates in Wilmington explains that a new treatment could relieve... Wisdom, is in charge of the phenomenon time 2 circles on his back.He he! My review appointments one day and one week after surgery my doctor ex mini bruises particular... Should go to your eyes which is very odd for me skin and... Celebrities With Benign Fasciculation Syndrome, Lawrence Ray Extra, Articles S

seeing red spots when waking up

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